About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

Alzen Teh


It all starts with “Hello world”. Hi, I am Alzen, a passionate application engineer who aspires to make the world a better place with technology.

Current Work

Full Stack / Dev Ops

- Developed a whole new Installment Payment System

- Intergration with eCommerce platform & Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.

- Improving company's development agility by introduce alternative SDLC (Agile Scrum)

- Increase devteam's codebase scalability by implementing Gitlab CE at company's in-house dedicated server

- Technology used: CentOs / Codeigniter / Prestashop / LAMP Stack


Application Engineer (Mobile/Web/DevOps)

- Web development on various projects

- Mobile development on various projects

- Develop Unit Testing script for various projects

- Standardize local development environment of devteam by implementing docker

- Technology used: NativeScripts / Vuejs / Laravel / Docker / LEMP Stack


Web Developer

- Built Codeigniter Projects from scratch : HRMS, Accounting System

- HRMS modules : Auth, ACL, Leave, User

- Accounting System : Auth, ACL, Invoice, PO, DO, CN, DN, Customer, User

- Technology used: CentOs / Codeigniter / PHP / MYSQL / HTML / js / jquery / css / Bootstrap / LAMP Stack